HawkServ v67.6.3.0
Listed changes are subject to change, be delayed or be removed all together. These changes are not guarantees of future features
ADD: New splash screen upon launch, which will check the version and check for updates, as well as managing restarts and crashes
ADD: Folder dialog button next to Backup Location text box to easily select the backup location
ADD: '/environment' (with shortcut '/env') for altering WoM environment settings
ADD: Ability to set whether portals compare permissions
ADD: Properties button to tell portals to compare permissions
ADD: Level specific command permissions
ADD: Spawn zone and the '/spawnzone' command
ADD: Death spawn and Death spawn zone and the '/dspawn' and '/dspawnzone' commands
ADD: When a muted user talks, their chat goes to opchat
ADD: '/mute @ [nickname]' - Disables muted users chats being sent to opchat
ADD: Any form of banning checks to see that the player or IP has joined the server first
ADD: Properties option for allowing the banning of players or IP's who have or have not joined the server
FIX: Issue with '/museum' deleting map backups
FIX: '/restart' command not properly restarting the server
FIX: Command messages showing hidden users via response messages. If a user is hidden, the command will execute as if the user is offline
HawkServ v67.6.2.0
Listed changes are subject to change, be delayed or be removed all together. These changes are not guarantees of future features
ADD: Warn system
ADD: '/warn' command - used to give or remove warnings from players
ADD: '/warns' command - used to view the current warnings for players
ADD: $warns identifier used to return the number of warns a player has
ADD: replace '$seen' for '/seen' command - used to see when the player last joined the server
ADD: If the first character of '/say' is a '+', reject it
ADD: Tempban count are now recorded and shown in /whois
ADD: Developers are not allowed to be banned
ADD: '/idenfity' and shortcut '/id' - Identifies the user as an operator
ADD: Operator Identification - Requests password authentication for Operators
FIX: Removed null results from '/lastcmd'
FIX: '(ring)' is nolonger coloured
FIX: '/kill'ing users of the same or higher rank not returning errors
FIX: Can no longer undo into the future (negative numbers)
FIX: Bug where '/inbox' tries to pull data from nonexistant tables
FIX: Bug where block based commands (cuboid/line/sphereoid etc) persisits between maps
FIX: Prevent the '-- has gone afk' message after a user has been in the server for 10 minutes
CHANGE: If a user has the WoM client, and a custom config is used, player connects and disconnects are only shown in the top right
REMOVE: "Countyfan1" from the developers list as he isn't contributing anything to the development
HawkServ v67.6.1.1
FIX: Major issue where database queries were formatted incorrectly
FIX: Fixed issue with the updater, and it will now update and backup the executable
HawkServ Version
ADD: '/w' shortcut for '/whois'
ADD: '/whois' now shows if the user is using a WoM client if external config is used
ADD: Added developer mark to console log and log files
ADD: Muting and unmuting now adds to the log file
ADD: Exception handling when '/whois' is used without a player by the console
FIX: Console whispers now return message confirmation and clear the text box
FIX: Spelling mistake in Console Adminchat
FIX: System, Changelog and Errors tabs now display correctly
FIX: Muting a user no longer allows them to use whisper
FIX: Minor typographical issues in '/whois'
FIX: Stop errors from being thrown when using '/setblocks' incorrectly with offline users
FIX: Devs prefix not appearing on titlecolor, colour, or title change
FIX: '/tp' without a player name now returns an exception message to the player
FIX: '/mute' from console no longer displays 'command failed'
FIX: Data returned using '/whois' has been reformatted and corrected
FIX: Corrected the Heartbeat system to use Minecraft's new system
FIX: Issue with a missing developer mark when a developer joins a server without a title
CHANGE: Changed the default host state from "Alive" to "Server"
CHANGE: Console issued commands no longer appear in the console log, but in the command long instead
HawkServ v67.6.0.1
FIX: WoM texture config settings can now be set in properties
FIX: Operators can now undo their usual amounts
HawkServ Version
ADD: Allow other ranks to undo others for xxx seconds set in properties
ADD: The Properties and Update window now appear alongside the main window when drawn
ADD: Properties feature to allow x warns before autoban, and what type of ban to use - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: Backup Browse button to easily navigate to a backup location - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: Port and Connection checking for the server and MySQL - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: MySQL Options in the Properties Window - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: Enhanced WoM Options in Properties Window - Disabled due to no function yet
ADD: Properties feature for rank specific undo time
ADD: All files needed are downloaded when the server launches, if they don't exist
ADD: Properties are now read differently, adding the ability to use WoM client features
ADD: More symbols: '(halo)' and '(ring)' creating cirlces
ADD: '$seen' identifier used to return the date of the users last login
ADD: New function 'Player.GlobalMessageAdmins(string message);' for sending messages to admins
ADD: New function 'Block.IsClassic(byte type, bool physics);' for checking if the block is a Classic block
ADD: Developers are now allowed to join full servers
ADD: Internal function 'Player.SendDetails(string type, string message);' to send wom details
ADD: WoM notifications for player join/leave
ADD: Console can now whisper to players with the '@' prefix before names
FIX: Uppercase chars crashing clients
FIX: Disable physics and special blocks from being used with '/gun' and '/missile'
FIX: Major issue where the console cannot ban IP's
FIX: Issue where the console returns an error when banning nicknames
FIX: Issue where errors are thrown when using '/ban #' on an offline player
FIX: Added thread locking on map save to prevent issue with block change errors
FIX: Complete redesign of the Properties Window, organising options into groups
FIX: Major crash when attempting to launch the executable without any other files
FIX: Added returns in the ban command to prevent errors
FIX: Small issue of a mistyped character when unhiding someone else
FIX: Major issue where heartbeats to hawkserv.co.uk were not being formatted properly
FIX: Issue where '/pervisit' does not take effect with portals
FIX: Major issue where the blocks per session were being multiplied
FIX: double_stairs/steps/slabs and grass now count for 1 block instead of 2
FIX: '/send' now checks the player list and only sends messages to exisitng players
FIX: Empty lines being returned in console on '/players'
FIX: Removed extra space between "Developers:" and the players in '/players'
FIX: Spelling mistake in the help string for '/spin'
FIX: Issue with using adminchat (=) and whisper (@) prefixes via console chat
FIX: Only Halfop+ are allowed to see hidden players in '/players'
CHANGE: Ban messages are now sent to the player who called it, instead of spamming chat
CHANGE: Banning and Unbanning an IP now shows the message to the player who called it
CHANGE: Undoing actions of others now shows the message to the player who called it
CHANGE: Redesigned and grouped common properties in the Properties Window
CHANGE: '$first' identifier to '$join' - returns the players join date
CHANGE: "To Ops:" and "To Admins:" colours now respect the group colours of the ranks
CHANGE: Constant '+' prefix for developers instead of a title
CHANGE: The 'Player.SetPrefix();' function now supports an additional optional string which is placed before the title
CHANGE: Checkboxes in the Properties window now enable and disable related text boxes
HawkServ v67.5.0.1
ADD: '-hidden' addition to users who are hidden in '/players' - Only available to Halfops+
FIX: Issue with hidden users appearing in '/players' for low ranks
FIX: Issue with '/setblocks' not performing maths correctly
FIX: Issue with '/setblocks' not working for offline users
CHANGE: Widen the revisions listbox in the Updater window
HawkServ v67.5.0.0
ADD: Cuboid/Line/Spheroid/Megaboid and block types are now stored in logs
ADD: Aborted megaboids are now logged
ADD: '/gun' and '/missile' hits that 'kill' people are now logged
ADD: '/gun' and '/missile' hits that damage the map are now logged
ADD: "slab", "step", "double_slab" and "double_step" alises for the stair and double_stair blocks
ADD: '/save del' - delets a backup restore file from the server
ADD: '$players' identifier to show a number of all the players that have joined the server
ADD: '$banned' identifier to show a number of all the banned players
ADD: '(leftarrow)', '(snote)' and '(dnote)' emoticons
ADD: Heartbeat now goes to the new HawkServ.co.uk website
ADD: Updated the update system to the new domain
ADD: Setblocks can now be used for offline players
ADD: Console chat and commands are now logged
ADD: Internal function 'Player.SendLevelMOTD()' to separate SendUserMOTD's and SendLevelMOTD's for commands
ADD: Setting a users rank now adds the group colour as their name and title colours in the database
ADD: '/players' no longer lists ranks with no users logged in
ADD: Properties button to allow or disallow operators to connect to full servers
ADD: '/gr' shortcut for '/getrank'
ADD: Unhardcoded '/getrank' strings, they can now be added in the properties window rank tab
ADD: WoM-Direct ability - Allows server to appear at the top of the WoM server list, and users connect when minecraft.net is offline
ADD: Admin chat, with the '/adminchat' or '/ac' commands or the '=' prefix
ADD: Shortcut '/oc' for the '/opchat' command
FIX: Correction with the help string of '/megaboid'
FIX: Tidied up the Properties Window layout
FIX: Tidied up the Ranks Window layout
FIX: Tidied up the '/players' response
FIX: Gramatical error in '/missile'
FIX: Gramatical error in '/players'
FIX: Server names of exsessive length crashes servers - limited to 64 characters
FIX: Uppercase colour codes crashing clients
FIX: Multiple title colours overriding rank colours
FIX: Fixed the character limits in rank text boxes
FIX: Decreased the heartbeat interval
FIX: Issue of hiding yourself when '/hide'ing someone else
FIX: Added puctuation to the '/opchat' strings
HawkServ v67.4.1.4
ADD: Bans/kicks are now silent for hidden users
ADD: Allow operators and higher to connect to full servers
FIX: Potential fix for the reveal issue
FIX: Console Ban not IP banning
FIX: '/ban :' not working correctly
FIX: Op chat message with /per(build/visit)
FIX: Remove message when giving rules to yourself
FIX: '/undo's "all" variable not doing the proper seconds
HawkServ v67.4.1.3
ADD: '/ban : [name]' to name and IP ban them without undo
FIX: Issue with '/undo [name] all' defaulting to 30 seconds
FIX: Issue with '/restore/reveal' not working
FIX: Issue with '/per(build/visit)' not displaying proper strings
FIX: Issue with error spewing when '/ban #' is used for offline players
FIX: Major issue with /save
HawkServ v67.4.1.2
CHANGE: Shortcut of "zall" [host] to "hawk"
FIX: Issue with halfops undoing 0 seconds when banning
FIX: Issue with undo during '/ban @/#' not performing correctly
FIX: Issue with '/ban #' not performing a proper kick
FIX: Issue with '/ban @/#' not performing a proper undo
FIX: Issue with //[cmd] not working properly
FIX: Issue with '/restore/reveal' not completing when a user disconnects during the process
FIX: Issue with levels being written to autoload on server close
FIX: Major issue with player connections remaining active
HawkServ v67.4.1.1
ADD: '/ban # [name]' now kick bans, same as '/ban @ [name]' but with added kick
ADD: Typing // before a command will chat the command with one / for others to read
ADD: Temporarally allow operators or higher to connect to full servers
ADD: '/highlight [name] all' to show 500,000 seconds
ADD: '/highlight' now has a shortcut of '/h'
CHANGE: Add alternate help strings to /undo depending on rank
CHANGE: Make the inbox notification delayed on login, and more noticable
CHANGE: The undo command for halfops or higher now supports "all" as a seconds input
CHANGE: Optimised hides opmessages to prevent spam
CHANGE: '/highlight [name] 0' now does 24 hours instead of 30 minutes
FIX: Issue with '/ban @'s' undo actions not working correctly for Superops or higher
FIX: Issue with operators being able to summon higher ranks
FIX: Issue with hidden players still appearing in /players
FIX: Grammar mistakes in '/banip'
FIX: Grammar mistakes in '/undo'
FIX: Major memory leak caused by sockets not being closed
FIX: Issue with errors being displayed to all users
FIX: Mistake in '/mute's opmessages
FIX: Issue with '/hide' not setting a global hidden variable
REMOVE: Joke command '/hacks'
REMOVE: Joke command '/crashserver'
HawkServ v67.4.1.0
ADD: Opchat to show who muted who
ADD: Heartbeat to hawknetcomputing.co.uk (no purpose as of yet)
ADD: Feedback for sending rules to a user
ADD: '/move [player] jail' command variables
CHANGE: Removed redundant opchat message when a user hides themselves
CHANGE: Removed redundant nickname in '/slap'
CHANGE: Removed ability to kill, mute and jail yourself
CHANGE: Added maximum players to Console Total Players count
CHANGE: '/team scores' - now global messages
CHANGE: Properties - Increased the Host State textbox limit
CHANGE: Developers colour from Blue to Purple
CHANGE: Remove Developers title if they already have one
CHANGE: Add op messages to '/per(visit/build)' commands
CHANGE: Operators can now undo 24 hours worth of others' builds
CHANGE: HalfOps can undo 12 hours worth of others' builds
CHANGE: '/send' now shows the correct nickname colour on messages
CHANGE: Remove confusing permissions to use '/kill'
CHANGE: '/title's confirmation message now shows the title given
CHANGE: Altered title character limit to 20 to stop database complaints
FIX: Heartbeat not returning the URL correctly
FIX: Issue with users behind the same NAT being rejected from full servers
FIX: Issue with users on the same host being rejected from full servers
FIX: Issue with rules' help strings displaying the wrong string to a rank
FIX: Issue with player limit not taking effect
REMOVE: Heartbeat to 'TCHalo.tk'
REMOVE: '!' is no longer used to denote commands
HawkServ v67.4.0.0
ADD: Opchat notification to show who set a player to joker, hide, freeze and jail
ADD: Player Count label on console above the nickname list
ADD: '/getrank assistant' strings for the new assistant rank
ADD: Shortname for halfop - "hop"
ADD: Halfop and Admin as preset groups
ADD: Hard coded Halfop and Admin as default ranks
ADD: '/setblocks' - Sets a custom blockcount for a user
ADD: '/save del' - delets a backup restore file from the server
ADD: '/move [name] spawn' - Moves a player to the maps spawn point
CHANGE: '/slap' messages to 'Player.GlobalChat()' instead of 'who.level.Chatlevel()'
CHANGE: Moved the Update button on the console to the top
CHANGE: '/rules [player]' is now an hop+ command, and changed '/help' rules strings to relate
FIX: "$ before $name" button in properties > misc
FIX: You can no longer joker yourself or players of the same or higer rank
FIX: Issue with '/summon all' summoning users of higher ranks
FIX: Issue with '/getrank' and a group that does not exist
HawkServ v67.3.1.0
FIX: Slap no longer slaps yourself or ranks higher than you
FIX: Allow higher ranks to (un)hide lower ranks
FIX: Allow higher ranks to (un)invincible lower ranks
FIX: Adminium accidental name change to SuperOpium
HawkServ v67.3.0.0
ADD: Static salts so direct connect URLS work
ADD: '/getrank' into the software
ADD: more '/getrank' variables
ADD: Console kick confirmation dialog
ADD: Console ban confirmation dialog
FIX: '/load' to not add to the autoload list
FIX: Updating system to a new server
FIX: Award system to use halfnicks
FIX: Console State textbox to reflect actual console state
FIX: Letting people out of Jail now returns them to spawn
FIX: Summon can only summon users of ranks lower than the summoner
FIX: Update dialog to use proper icon
FIX: Console banning also kicks the user
CHANGE: MCLawl name to HawkServ
CHANGE: Lawlcat icon to HawkServ icon
CHANGE: Remove old developers
REMOVE: '/rankinfo' due to being unused
REMOVE: Redundant button on GUI
< Click some of the server versions for more information